Mackenzie River Anabranch Diversion & Levee Construction

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Project Duration
April 2024 - December 2024
Project Value
$34 million
Jellinbah Mining Pty Ltd
Construct Only
Mining Infrastructure

Exact Civil is currently undertaking the Mackenzie River Anabranch Diversion and Levee Construction Project, a critical project necessary to support the expansion of the Jellinbah Mine’s open-cut mining operations.

The project involves the construction of a five-kilometer permanent diversion of the Mackenzie River Anabranch, along with the development of a new levee. The diversion is designed to provide access to coal reserves located to the east of the current river. This requires an extension to the existing river and the construction of a levee.

The scope of works includes the excavation and stabilisation of the river diversion. To ensure the integrity and stability of the newly created diversion, stabilisation works will be undertaken immediately following the excavation of each segment.

Waste material generated during the works is transported to Jellinbah North Pit’s designated waste dump, while extracted topsoil is systematically stockpiled nearby for future rehabilitation, in alignment with the topsoil management plan. Excess topsoil is securely stored within the new levee perimeter, at least 50 meters from its edge. Exact Civil is also responsible for maintaining the rehabilitation zones until the project is complete.

Environmental Considerations: The project encounters environmentally sensitive constraints, due to the scar trees belonging to the Western Kangoulu Aboriginal group. In close collaboration with Jellinbah, Exact Civil are ensuring that these scar trees, and any other culturally significant features, are not disturbed during construction. Jellinbah Mine continues to liaise with the Western Kangoulu Aboriginal group to manage the identification and culturally appropriate and respectful removal of scar and humpy trees within the project site. Relevance to Ensham’s Y Pit Coal Recovery & Rehabilitation Services The expertise and strategies applied in the Mackenzie River Anabranch Project, particularly in optimising mass haul and maximising the use of scrapers, are highly relevant to Ensham’s Y Pit Coal Recovery & Rehabilitation Project. This experience in efficiently managing mass haul operations and leveraging scraper capabilities will enhance productivity and reduce costs at the Y Pit.

The approach ensures effective material handling and operational efficiency, contributing to the successful and timely completion of both coal recovery and site rehabilitation activities.


Exact Civil Construction Pty Ltd is an Australian owned civil and mining project delivery partner with a proven track record delivering safe, reliable and flexible solutions for a diverse and unique range of projects.