Central North Haul Road Upgrade Civil Works Package, Jellinbah Coal Mine

Exact Civil Construction were engaged by Jellinbah Group Pty Ltd (Jellinbah) to deliver the Central North Haul Road Upgrade – Civil Works Package Project at the Jellinbah mine located in Bluff Queensland, approximately 32 kilometres from Blackwater township in Central Queensland.
This Project is critical in facilitating mining operations for Jellinbah within their mining leases adjacent to the Central North mining area of Jellinbah East Mine. The scope of works involved construction of a new sealed road extending approximately five (5) kilometres, as well as the repair and restoration of an existing sealed road section spanning approximately one kilometre. The key objective of the Project was to increase access and infrastructure capacity to support the mining endeavours in this significant region.
The scope of works encompassed a wide array of activities to ensure a seamless flow of transportation, including construction of a new 4.7-kilometer mining haul road, seamlessly integrating it with the existing road, and sealing a 1.3 kilometre stretch of an existing haul road to bring it up to required standards.
The site preparation works involved clearing and grubbing, followed by topsoil stripping to create the necessary groundwork for construction. To shape the terrain to specification, Exact Civil Construction delivered extensive bulk earthworks including cut-to-fill, cut-to-spoil, and the replacement of unsuitable materials.
The construction of dams was a key component of the Project, these dams serve a dual purpose as they are also utilised as borrow sources for the Haul Road construction, as such, effective drainage management was critical, and therefore included construction of CMP culverts, excavation of swale drains, and incorporation of rockwork and aprons at inlet and outlets.
Creating a strong foundation for the road involved Meticulous Construction of unbound pavements including bituminous sealing of road surfaces to ensure durability and longevity of the road. Further, the Exact Civil Construction Project delivery team, installed road furniture and completed line marking to ensure safety and an efficient traffic flow.
Additionally, the Project team delivered landscaping activities including topsoil placement and seeding, to enhance the visual and ecological aspects of the Project. The Central North Haul Road Project exemplifies our unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality infrastructure that accelerates and supports mining operations.
Exact Civil Construction Pty Ltd is an Australian owned civil and mining project delivery partner with a proven track record delivering safe, reliable and flexible solutions for a diverse and unique range of projects.